Category: Uncategorized (page 4 of 8)


The essay that got me into college was about how I used to wake my siblings up with ukulele songs, but it was really about life with Stewart. I’ve written thousands of words about my brother. He’s an easy subject: Continue reading

The G-Word

In the past month I’ve seen three different Facebook posts that start like this: “So excited to announce that I’ve accepted my first big-girl job!”

The paragraph moves to a dynamic description of the new career choice. It finishes with gratitude for the support the person has received from friends and family. I don’t normally get to those parts because my stomach churns at the first sentence. Continue reading


The blood moon sat. “Sitting” really is the best way to describe it. “Hung”, “draped”, and “peered” all imply a sort of grace that wasn’t there. It looked like a fist of clay plopped twenty stories off the ground. We had gotten up at three AM to watch it from the cemetery a few blocks away during October of 2014, when the valley was particularly black. Continue reading

Seven Things

My little sister finished high school and I did not plan on attending the graduation. Our massive Charlotte school holds its dreary ceremonies in the Hornets stadium, and I was not about to take off work to drive four hours and stare at a wall of kelly green mortarboards. But when she personally requested that I be there, I gave in. Continue reading

The Summerfest Volume


“The red one,” my friend said. I removed the red flower from the pack of synthetic leis and clipped it to the back of Orion’s collar. He circled a few times in an effort to see what it was, then settled on the couch. Summerfest was happening outside our door, and the apartment had planned a front yard party. Continue reading

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